Gary Oldman
Hello! Barry Stronglogg standing in for Matthew Logman for this week's LLOG BLOG. Seem there are some "issues" to work out in the LMI Headquarters that we are not yet talking about.
I'm not accustomed to writing this... so let's just go to the ever-popular LMI: GARY, IN: JAM DAVIS STUDIOS and see what's up...
"Crappy Garfield #845." oil on canvas.
Uh oh! Looks like someone took a philosophy class or two. Is this even finished? (Oh, I'm guessing I'm not supposed to write critiques of our own work here.)
"Drugs are Good." Sketch book.
"Everyday. Every fucking day." Sketch book.
Good job, Jam! (eyes side-to-side, sweating)
Let's move onto the LMI READERS' SEND-INS OF THE WEEK!
This one was sent in from frequent reader "Matt: Seattle"
"Frowny Frittata. it means 'worry.'"
WOW! Thanks "Matt: Seattle!" That is very creative. Kiwi's huh? (tie-adjust side-to-side, sweating).
Uh. Let's do another one..
Zero percent chance.
This one was sent in from "DonnyTitLicker101: Cheyenne, Wy." I don't really get it..? This is a picture of an out-of-ground swimming pool on sale at a local box store with a picture of a hot couple enjoying themselves with their new out-of-ground swimming pool on the box. What? Am I missing something? (brow wipe; glance over at producer that seems to say "what the fuck are you feeding me here?")
(**Enter Mitch Hedberg joke here. RIP BTW.)
Let's try one more from frequent-reader and friend "Matt: Seattle" from the great island of Portugal:
"Don't pee at someone pooping in the pool"
Okay! Now I'm getting the hang of this. THAT is FUNNY! Like farting stuff, right! (slight look of relief.)
Our next item is the... Let's pull something from the LMI VAULTS: SUPER-COOL SHIT file...
1982 Cowboy Cut-out
Okay, that one is pretty cool...?? (Another look of question at producer)
Next one is also from 1982:
"Space Camping in 1982. Wait, maybe not... 'Rocky IV' came out in 1985. WTF??!"
There is a slight chance that this one was drawn in 1985. Just sayin'.
"Tin Man, 1984, probably."
Well, what's next?
Am I doing an okay job with this? Please write in to info@logmanindustries and let me know.
Also, I'm going to tell you to follow us on Twitter @logmanstudio and on Instagram @logmanstudios. You should do it! It will be fun and (gulp) I will get to keep my job.
Here's another reason to follow us... check out this sneak peak into LMI: Research, Development and Artistic Production Offices from Chicago, IL!
Mike DickLog.
Really? That is just lazy. Thanks. That's it. Barry Stronglogg out!
Have a "Loggy" week.*
*We are contractually obligated to say this.