Paper Boi.
“Look at us. Here we are. Right where we belong. READING THE LLOG BLOG!” -The Muppets
The Mupphets. (so we don’t get sued).
… And we here at LOGMAN INDUSTRIES are happy to have you! Welcome to LLOG BLOG #26. Though everything around you (news, media, your job, your car, etc…) may seem to be utterly falling apart and melting into a giant blob of crap, we want to assure you that MAYBE IT’S NOT! Take a load off and take a look at some of these soothing images from LLOG BLOG Readers around the world!:
Happy Breakfast Face from Jesse R in Vermont, USA!
Beautiful Little Pepper plants from Matt E in Seattle, WA, USA!
Towel Elephant from Matt H in Seattle, WA, USA!
Well, that was nice. And THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU READERS around the WORLD for sending in those interesting and soothing images. LOGMAN INDUSTRIES thank you. And all the people thank you.
We are excited to announce a new artistic direction for the company, spearheaded from out CHICAGO OFFICES of SPORTS LOG IMAGES AND AESTHETICS (OoSLI&A: Chicago). OoSLI&A: Chicago has been interested in creating nice landscape images (of water towers) with images of athletics-themed log-characters on them. Let’s get a sneak peak at the progress:
Pretty sure this is a McEnroe Log.
Ok… that’s just a picture of a water tower with a clown face on it.
… And that’s just an Arizona water tower saying something.
… And this is just a frickin’ picture of Bjorn Borg and Jimmy Connors. Hmm.
Seems like the LLOG BLOG EDITING TEAM was a bit premature on that report from OoSLI&A: Chicago. That’s okay. They will check back in with them in a few weeks. And they promise to do better next time. (smiley face, thumbs up).
Let’s check in with the LOGMAN INDUSTRIES: LMI EMPLOYEE TEXT CONVO OF THE WEEK! This week’s winner is this little “joke” thread between two siblings that have been working at LMI for around 3-5 years. (They have asked that we not use their real names… so let’s just call the older brother “ME” and the younger smart-ass sister “KB”)
12:04pm: KB: Hey did you hear about the West Virginia QB who got accused of using PEDs?
KB: The urine test came back positive but he didn’t take ANYTHING
ME: …
KB: It’s a classic case of he said pee said
ME: I don’t… OH GOD.
ME: Does anyone have a time machine & a chainsaw?
KB: LOL why? So you can go back in time and cut that killer joke out of my brain and have it for yourself?
ME: So I can go back in time 3 min & cut my head off before I read that joke (smiley sunglasses guy, thumbs up)
5:24pm KB: Are you watching PSU football? Killer catch
KB: Also I still think my joke is hilarious in a vacuum
ME: No football for me today… Did you see the news report about the chimpanzee that escaped the zoo and ran directly to a PortoJohn and locked himself in there?
KB: I didn’t. Please tell me more.
ME: Apparently, MONKEY PEE, MONKEY DOO DOO! OMFGJCLMFAOTTM! (22x Laugh/cry face)
KB: You have got to give my joke credit if that’s what you’re coming up with.
ME: I’m giving you 15% creds on that one. & that’s generous. (Smiley sunglasses guy, peace sign hand)
KB: 15%?!
That was fun. We might do that every week! What do you think, LMI READER? Speaking of which, if you have any questions or comments for ANY of our LMI Departments, please hit us up at or post a message below this LLOG BLOG area. Also check us out on Instagram at @logmanindustries … it’s guaranteed to be well worth your time.
Our LLOG BLOG Editing Department just realized that the title of this week’s LLOG BLOG mentions pumpkins. Well, we don’t have any pics related to that, so here is a happy cloud to close out this week’s entry:
Happy cloud.
Do something nice for someone this week. Do something creative this week (like draw a happy cloud). And just try to have a LOGGY WEEK!*
*We are legally obligated to say this.