Frida Kahlo.
Oh wonderful autumn time! It’s a great time to get your favorite wool scarves and sweaters out (probably with patches on the elbows) and your artsy hats of choice, and hit the street for first Thursday, Friday, Saturday…(whatever your art opening night is at the galleries once a month).
Yes, art is in the air! So this week, LOGMAN INDUSTRIES is dedicating the LLOG BLOG to the recognition of the trials, tribulations and ultimate ecstasy of the best form of art: PAINTING! (wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)
But first, here is a picture of some leaves on the street.
Leaves on a street. Fall. ( Not a painting.)
That reminds me, LMI recently had an LMI: Aesthetics Division R&D Group with boots on the ground in NYC… probably working on R&D. (that means “research and development.”)
Here are some items of interest:
Ooooooh. Marble fountain thing at The Jane hotel in NYC. (Not a painting)
This place looks like somewhere directly lifted from a Wes Anderson movie.
frame from “Rushmore.” A Wes Anderson Movie. (not a painting) (Though, his movies are painterly. I recommend “The Grand Budapest Hotel” for some good examples. Or any of his movies, really. Really.
Wow, Check out the carpet in the elevator:
Carpet in the Elevator (NYC). (Also, not a painting.)
Meanwhile, LMI: LLOG BLOG NEWS TEAM sent a crew up to NEW ENGLAND (Connecticut, to be precise) to do some research for a few autumn-based posts. Let’s check in with them:
Connecticut State Mental Hospital: abandoned building. (That is FREAKY!) (not a painting.)
Yes, that is a little spooky, to say the least! However, a few quality members of the crew were able to bring some levity to the situation:
Aunt Joanne: “Watch out. That last step is a real DOOZIE!” (not a painting)
Nephew Matthew: “watch out. THAT last step is DOOZIER.” (also, not a painting)
Ha. Ha. These crew members get an A+ this week. High5’s all around.
(Side note: Doozers are the poor-bastard things on Fraggle Rock that would build these little building thingies all day and night (not that they knew, because they were in a frickin cave) only to have them constantly destroyed and eaten by Fraggles.)
Doozers: Poor-bastard Things (not a painting)
Next up, here is the LLOG BLOG READER FAVORITE: THE ART BOOK OF THE WEEK! (did we already do this one in a previous episode?)
Here it is. WHAM!:
“Ungrateful Mammals” by David Eggers. (Also, not a painting. Doesn’t even have paintings in it.)
This next one might qualify as a painting. A painting on a towel or something.
Married cats. Painting?
This one was in Connecticut, too. The store it was in smelled like a pumpkin-potpourri baseball bat hitting you right in the nostrils by Aaron Judge. Delicious, but perhaps a bit much.
Here’s a photo taken from the highway at 63 mph:
Cobalt, Connecticut. Sign. (not a painting.)
Cobalt, coincidentally, is a rich blue color with a long history. I thought it became popular in the 1500s, but maybe not. LMI: COLOR STUDIES DEPT will have to do some more reading on this subject.
This (Keith Richards-looking dude pointing at it) may or may not be cobalt blue. Sorry Raphael. (THIS IS A PAINTING!)
LMI: PRODUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION DEPT: ATLANTA promises us that they are working day in and out to get more canvases to the LMI: ART PRODUCTION DEPT: AESTHETICS & PAINTING DIVISION: PARIS people as soon as possible (ASAP). Just in case, let’s check in on the ATLANTA crew:
Blue tape Dark Knight on a rafter square. (not a painting)
Poplar stretcher frames. Probably for canvas. (not a painting, but will be one day.) (wink. wink. nudge. nudge.)
Yep. Working hard.
(BTDub: Why are we paying freight to send these things from Atlanta to Paris? Doesn’t anyone in Paris know how to make these motherfuckers? LMI: ACCOUNTING AND LOGICAL BUSINESS STUFF DEPT: VANCOUVER, BC, Please look into this by next week.)
And you… YOU, THE LOGG BLOG READER should be encouraged to work hard this week on being cool to your neighbor. Take time to make something awesome… or just okay, even. It will make you feel better, we promise!
Don’t look at social media too much this week, either. But when you do, follow @logmanindustries on Instagram. There’s a lot of cool shit on there.
Have a great day and HAVE A LOGGY WEEK!*
*Still legally obligated to say this every week.