The LOGMAN STUDIOS have been all abuzz! The new year offers new opportunities:
Source material.
“Water Tower Logman #2” Logman Industries Intl, 2018. Oil on Linen, 19” x 24".”
Fun with acetate & Sharpies.
“Logman Cloud #3” Logman Industries Ltd, 2019. Oil on Panel, 8-1/8” x 4-3/4.”
Paint. Color samples. Whoopie.
Sketch. (apparently, not liked by LMI Editing Division.)
Here are two things that made me laugh:
Bathroom art. Artist: Unknown.
More bathroom art. Artist: We don’t know.
Ham. Artist: Betty Crocker, I think. (This also made me laugh. I don’t know why.)
Here are a few photos we found in the LOGMAN ARCHIVE from Long Beach, WA:
Pretty flowers and a cool-colored trailer.
Chowder Face. Mmmmmm.
Thousands of snow globes. Thousands.
Ghosts on a “No Stops” sign. Artist: Philip Guston (I think).
Political Tag? Or just a plain old opinion?
Awwww. That’s so NICE! Fans are always welcome!
THIS JUST IN: That last one was made by an LMI ACCREDITED ARTIST and was not real graffiti. :-(
Do something nice for someone today! Don’t wait to start that project… Start RIGHT NOW! & Have a LOGGY WEEK!