LOGMAN INDUSTRIES: LLOG BLOG DIVISION made a pledge to it’s readers at the beginning of 2019 to post at least once per week for all of 2019. Well, this week we are playing catch-up… Enjoy this BLUE-THEMED episode!
Blue Cloud Paintings by LMI
Picture of the Sky. Wowwwww.
The Edge of a stack of plywood. (OSB, actually, but you probably already know that and have already emailed us rudely about the mistake.)
Look at those clouds!
Coffee house in Connecticut. Wow.
Wow. Look at those clouds.
Doesn’t that water tower in the back ground look like a UFO or something?
Two little fluffy clouds.
One little fluffy water tower.
Another cloud painting by LMI. (2016). (bad pic)
Yet another water tower. (note: blue, blue sky in the background!)
This is one of the best podcasts we here at LMI have ever listened to. Tyler Mahan Coe (@tylermahancoe) sits firmly on the level of Dan Carlin… and even Howard Zinn, in our history book! Check it out and tell a friend!
Okay, this one is just lazy. but it is blue.
That’s is enough for this week. LMI aims to get back on track next week.
OH WAIT! We cannot forget about the LLOG BLOG READER OF THE WEEK again! (sorry about last week!) (Hey, “sorry about last week” is actually a good name for an episode of this online art magazine! Stay tunes.)
This week’s LBROTW is ….
Drum roll…
AUNT JOANNE! (confetti and popping sounds!)
Aunt Jo is the winner.
Okay… NOW that’s is for this week. Be nice and have a LOGGY WEEK.*
This volume of the internationally known arts and cultural news on-line magazine is officially APPROVED by the LOGMAN INDUSTRIES QUALITY CONTROLS AND APPROVALS DIVISION, Ltd, Llc.
*Still legally obligated to say this every week.