Art Bell.
Welcome to LLOG BLOG #38! Wow! This week we are exploring the very essence of art.
What is art? Let’s explore…
Tree. Pretty, but not art.
Cluster Logs = art.
Water Tower photo = art. Sure it is.
Sketch for a greeting card = not art. It’s just a good, clever idea for a greeting card.
Spray-Painted Man-Hole (yet to be installed.) = art. (clearly.)
Flippin’ Birthday Cake = art.
Utility Box Art = could’ve been better.
Stamping, frozen plane = I don’t know. Art, I guess.
Nephew asked for a Velociraptor farting log. This is what we came up with. Sorry nephew. (& sorry LB Readers.)
Deviled Eggs in Process = Art.
Spray-Painted “Amway” (?) = art.
Nephew -requested “Mummy Farting Log” = art. (Note: He said this was a “really good one.”)
Pic of Chick Peas, Roasted = Art.
First Draft T-Rex = Not Art.
Second Draft T-Rex = 1/2 Art.
Full on Art.
Divine Beauty = Art.
OHHHHHHH. Aunt Jo, you didn’t make it this week again. We are sure you will make it next week. Almost positive!
This week’s LBROTW is Tyler.
Tyler is the winner.
Alright, you made it through all of that, so you deserve this one… look at this pic for 30 sec. We promise you will feel a sense of awesomeness fall all over you. Enjoy!
That’s it. Sorry this one was late. Many of the LLOG BLOG team were on vacation this last week.
Whatever the excuses are, please go out and be nice to someone today. And have a LOGGY WEEK!**
This episode of the internationally-renown art magazine is APPROVED by the Logman Industries International Approval Committee of America Ltd Intl.
** Legally obligated to say this. Also, did you hear what the (item from safe subject) said to the (other item of safe subject)? Oh, it was a real (something none offensive) shoving that thing into (another non-offensive thing.) (smiley face, Thumbs up.)