Flava Flav. Public Enemy…so we are told.
Welcome to LLOG BLOG #36. 36 is a special number here at LOGMAN INDUSTRIES, so we are going to work to make this a very special edition of the LLOG BLOG.
The focus for this new edition of the LLOG BLOG is art out in public. Let’s have a look:
(Scribbley Blob). Artist: Unknown. Spray Paint. about 60” x 48.” 2019
I suppose that last one could be a Banksy. Who knows?
(Oh FRICK! This was on the wall at the Poly Clinic and I thought is was cool and well lit/displayed. However, I thought I could zoom into the tag to the lower right. It’s too blurry. Dang it!)
That’s too bad about not getting the artist info on that last one. We’ll try harder next time. It is important to note that most 2d art in public is poorly displayed and/or lit. We’ll get back to that later…
This next one is a good one!
“Labatt’s El Camino Snow Day” 2019. Plastic, steel, rubber, cardboard, and whoop-ass. 2019.
Though the artist is unknown on that last one, we are fairly certain it is a Canadian artist.
“Fake Flip-off Frog.” LMI. Computer laser pens on digital photo. 2019.
Seriously. That is a new low for effort-towards-art-making for LMI. Do better next time.
The next (2) paintings are also unfortunate examples.
These are (2) of (4) paintings on display in the hall of the 36th floor of the Seattle Municipal Tower (one of the Seattle City Light floors). Though SCL works with power… which brings light to around 2 million people in King County, they couldn’t be bothered with lighting these nice paintings properly. Let’s take a look:
“Best Sunny Day.” Margie Livingston. Oil on Canvas. About 42” x 60” (UGH. Poorly lit.)
“Dark with Blue Spotlight.” Margie Livingston. Oil on Canvas. About 42” x 60” (perhaps the title was predicting the shitty lighting job this painting would get from the SCL art hanging dept.)
This next one has natural lighting.
“Skull Fence.” Artist unknown. Spray paint on Fence. .. I don’t know… like 48” x 72”? (Looks like someone went ahead and trespassed.)
“Fabs.” Artist Unknown. Spray paint under an overpass. (Nice shadow, frickin’ truck!)
Our LMI: Seattle Offices have noticed many of these utility boxes around the King County area getting professionally painted and/or decorated. However, we haven’t seen one like this until now…
Utility Box in SoDo District in Seattle, WA. Artist: Mary Iverson (we think). COOL!
… Pretty sweet, huh?
Though LMI does not promote competition in the workplace, LMI: Seattle: Public Art Division was going to try their hand in painting one of these public utility boxes by applying to the Ballard Utility Box Beautification Program. However, they missed the deadline and other people won.
One of the winners. Artist: Who cares.
Too bad. They probably could’ve done something frickin’ rad… like this:
“Utility Box Beautification Submission.” LMI. 2019. (too bad.)
Too Bad. Oh well.
This week’s winner is Uncle Bob.
The winner is Uncle Bob.
That’s it. Have a wonderfully creative and friendly week! And, as always, have a LOGGY WEEK!***
*This LB Approved by the LMI Approval Committee of America, Inc, Ltd.
***Legally obligated to state this at the end of every edition of the LLOG BLOG.