Natasha Lyonne. (See “Russian Doll.”)
Turntable. Circle.
Plate = circle. Eggs = ovals.
3A = circle-esque.
Terps Lid = circle.
The Top of this Lamb Mug = circle. (just believe us on this one.)
Pea Soup = circle.
Soft Ball = circle. (This ball was given to LMI 27 years ago and reads, “This ball went over the fence at the Bronx Zoo and a cape buffalo pissed on it. It’s a real ‘keepsake.’”
Eye = oval.
Wayne Gretzky signed puck = circle. (We really have this at one of our Los Angeles offices. And it’s certified real. Really real.)
Circles are everywhere and all the time! Enjoy them! And, if you see one that’s especially special, take a pic and send it to and we will get it to our LLOG BLOG READER’S PICTURE SUBMISSIONS DEPT (LBRPSD) for review. It might make it onto the LLOG BLOG! Totally awesome and outrageous!
Then you will be famous.
Speaking of famous… Don’t think for even one minute that we forgot your favorite part of the LLOG BLOG! Don’t you DARE.
This week’s LBROTW is Jason again.
Jason is the winner, again.
That’s it for now. Have a good time and be nice to people. And, as always, have a LOGGY WEEK!***
*The top of this log is relatively circular.
**This LLOG BLOG is approved and certified by the Logman Industries Approval Committee Intl.
*** We are still legally obligated to say this on every LLOG BLOG Edition.