WELCOME BACK TO THE LLOG BLOG! The 8-10 month hiatus the LMI Team has been on is now over and it’s back to business as usual.
Let’s use this issue of the WORLD FAMOUS LLOG BLOG to catch you up on what’s been happening at the LOGMAN INDUSTRIES headquarters and auxiliary offices around the world.
First, from our Cleveland office:
Here is the latest from our LMI Commercial Offices in Seattle, WA:
LMI Archives (Denver CO) dug up this little 1995 gem…
Meanwhile, LMI Food Division: Denver CO was busy trying out the local foods:
Break time! Let’s look at this picture of a cat!
LMI Hanging Out Division: (Paris, FR) was working on these new ways of hanging out:
There was a great LMI Art Show at the Victory (Seattle, WA) in September:
Here’s the last picture:
Have a great week. Be nice to people.
( oh, And LMI is no longer required to say “have a Loggy Week.” This is a new day for LMI. We intend to enjoy it.)