Danny Glover.
HEYOOOO! Welcome to another exciting issue of the cutting edge Art & Culture magazine, the LLOG BLOG.
Due to the immense feedback from our artistic readers out there, we have decided to dedicate this entire issue to our readers’ art! This is going to be RAD!
First, let’s have a look at this little puppy:
Wooowee! Badass. Not reader art… just parked down the street. KOOL 2 tha MAX!
Okay, let’s get to it… our first artist reader submission is from Denver, CO.
(oh, and BTW, if incomplete/no titles were sent in with the work as requested, the LLOG BLOG Naming Dept will fill in the title.)
Jason M. from Denver. “One Moment Before a Boy Gets Bitten By Horse.” 2020. Oil on Canvas. About… mmm… 60 x 36in.
Very Nice. Thank you, Jason M.
Okay, here’s one sent in from Hollywood, CA:
Shadow S. from Hollywood sent this one in. “Donuts Are Cool.” 2020. digital pic. Size of your cell phone.
Yes. Digital artwork is perfectly fine. Thank you Shadow S.
Here’s some work by Chip B. in Seattle, WA:
Chip B. in Seattle. “Impending Doom Forest 1” and “The Blood Moon of Azanro Shall Awaken the Zorgon Demon.” Both 2020. Both Oil on canvas… I think.
Very nice… And thanks again Reader Artists! If readers would care to learn more about these artists and/or possibly purchase their art work, please write us at info@logmanindustries.com. We will connect you and will only charge the artists a nominal 70% service fee.
Cool, Next up we have the first of three artistic sisters (We will just call them the “L Sisters.”) that sent work in this week… from all over the world! Wow! What a coincidence that they all sent in on the same week! This first one is from Rosie L. in Paris, FR:
Rosie L. from Pairs, FR: “The Horse Girl Shoots the Arrow at Dawn.” 2020. Multimedia.
Most excellent! Thank you Rosie L from Paris, FR! Keep up the good work!
Keeping up the good work with the mystical theme, here are some angels painted on a building:
We don’t know who painted this or when, but we are fairly sure they are a reader.
Here is the second of the three aforementioned artistic sisters: Ellie L. sending in fron NYC:
Ellie L. NYC: “Smoking is bad, but deeeaaaaam.. I make this look GOOD!” 2020. (I’m just going to stop listing the medium and stuff.)
Wow! Thanks Ellie L. in NYC for that great drawing!
This next one is pretty funny: It’s an artistic DOG from the Yukon Territory, CANADA:
Sumo, Yukon TE: “this isn’t funny. I didn’t paint that crap. I’m a WAY better painter than THAT!”
Okay, I guess he DIDN’T paint that. Oh well.
Here’s one from Carl Jammer in New Zealand:
Carl Jammer, NZ: “Oi, ooi’m a buuuud. Oi, theeeers a little wuuuum. Moiybe ooi’ll et it!” 2020. Water color.
That is a real sounder-outer if I’ve ever seen a title. Thank you, C. Jammer in NZ for sending that in!
This next one if from Robert Hammington in Hammond, NC:
Robert Hammington, Hammond, NC. “Hammy the Ham Man.” 2020. Ham, pineapple and stuff.
WOW! If that guy had a HAMmer, he’d HAMmer in the morning, etc.
Ohhhhh. That was good. I needed that.
Okay, here is the third of the recently mentioned artistic sisters: Josie L. from Vernal, UT:
Josie L, Vernal, UT: “Str8 CRAY-CRAY! DO NOT mess wit’ THIS!” 2020.
That is some aggro stuff… from an aggro place. Thanks Josie L. in Vernal, UT.
BTW: I was in Vernal UT a few years back and I bought a cassette tape of both Peter Gabriel’s “SO” and David Lee Roth’s “Eat ‘em and Smile” at the K Mart there. It was in 1988.
Anyway, let’s get to the next one from Mister T in Hollywood, CA:
Mister T, Hollywood, CA: “Self Portrait.” 1988.
Whoa! Deaaaaam! We must have a LOT of readers in Hollywood. Thanks Mister T. in Hollywood!
Here’s one from Donny V1deoG4mer6969 from Sweden:
Donny V1deoG4mer6969 from Sweden: “TACO CAT” 2020. computers.
Very keen. Thanks Donny V1deoG4mer6969 from Sweden.
WHOA! This next one is from Sandro B. from Florence, IT:
Sandro B. from Florence, IT: “Will Someone Please, For the Love of Christ, Get me a Chiropractor?” 1483.
That is some really good paint work! His beard is looks so real! Thanks Sandro B. from Italy.
(Ha. that rhymes.)
Here is the only submission that did come with a title… it’s from Ron Bullyman in Fort Worth, TX:
Ron Bullyman in Fort Worth, TX: “Hey Logboy, why don’t you wear these? (He. he. he. they are scrotum glasses.)” 2020.
Well, while not everyone can appreciate all art, and yes, Logman Industries does get their fair share of hate mail… Ron Bullyman, the LLOG BLOG committee all really enjoyed your note and want to thank you for making the effort. (And you did not succeed in hurting anyone’s feelings.)
Here’s a pic that was sent in anonymously from somewhere:
This just sent with a note: “Art is where you find it.”
Indeed it is, Don Anonymous. Thanks for the reminder!
I think we are getting close to the end now… Here’s one from Rad Sweetman in Richmond, VA.
… wait, I think this is just something that Rad liked on Instagram.
Thanks Rad Sweetman. That gives us the reminder to tell all of you to check out @logmanindustries on Instagram for daily updates on the arts and culture going on around the world everywhere and all the time.
Well that wraps it up. A sincere THANK YOU to all of our great readers! Keep sending us updates and we will keep posting them!
Until then, keep working, be nice to people and have a LOGGY WEEK.*
Keep working! YES!
*By state law, we have to say this every week.