Jackie Robinson: #42
Welcome back to the LLOG BLOG! Sorry, we’ve been on a serious vacation, company wide. However, the LLOG BLOG: DEPT OF REPORTING ON ARTS AND CULTURE are on the horse and running. Or.. in the car and driving. Or… another metaphor… They’re just getting shit done. OKAY?
This week’s issue is titled “The Things We See.” Well, let’s have a look:
Cool Tag. (We should’ve saved this one for the “Yellow” issue.
Sweet jewelry shop. Every Kiss begins with “Bich, Keiu!”
Road stripes. big deal.
Art Gallery at Statix. Great place, great people, GREAT art!
Buttered bread.
Another Utility box. Hmm. This one is actually pretty good. (artist unknown).
Fun with spray paint at the park. Kids… what are you going to do? (*NOTE: LMI did not do this to the local park. Not only is LMI not in the business of un-licensed public art, but also wouldn’t choose this message if they were.)
Karate Log by LMI
Log by O-Dogg.
Bonus Log by Dizzy!
Cat jacket by Giorgio Armani. beautiful!
another road stripe.
Frog thinger on the side of a building from a moving vehicle.
The LMI: Dept of Jokery and Tom Foolery really outdid themselves on that last one.
Well, that’s all for this week. No Llog Blog Reader of the Week this week.
All the same, do something GREAT this week and have a very…
This LLOG BLOG post is APPROVED by the Logman Industries Approval Committee for the Arts and Culture of America and Beyond, LLC, Ltd, Intl.
*Still legally obligated to say this. Every week. Every Issue.