Ozzy Osbourne.
This week’s episode of the LLOG BLOG: Arts and Culture Digital Magazine focuses on yet another investigation into what art is. This week, we ask you… the cultured LLOG BLOG READER… the age-old and still-yet-to-be-definitively-answered question, “is this art?” Let’s have a look…
Satan-y Mouse. (probably art.) Artist Unknown
Cloud paintings. (Oh these are DEFINITELY art! and GOOD ART at that.)
(Paintings by LMI)
Dumpster Painting. Artist Unknown. (We’re not sure on this one.)
Is this art? Is this the Alice in Chains singer, Layne Staley?
(Artist: Desmond Hansen Art. This artist is hitting a bunch of the utility boxes the King County area.)
We don’t know who the frick this is. (Artist: Joe Nix (we think)).
Another Dumpster painting. Pretty cool!
Is this concrete building art?
This is the only dumpster in Seattle without “art” on it. Unfortunately, it’s broken.
“Boing.” By LMI. (This is art.)
Is this drawn-on photo a piece of art? Yes, it is. (Art by LMI)
Is that art? (it does look pretty cool. The shades of green are interesting.)
Is this pic of a bath mat and a wall art? If you think so, we will sell you a print right now. 5$. (Photo by LMI)
Happy Birthday. Art by LMI.
There’s a LOT of good art in this place!
… Hmmm…
Send your comments into LMI to continue the discussion. If you have pics of “Art,” that you would like to share with LMI and the LLOG BLOG READING COMMUNITY, please send those into info@logmanindustries.com.
We think his name is Dan. He was frozen in carbonite some years ago. And then painted, apparently.
Dan is the winner.
We will get back to Serious LBROTW next week when the readers send in more photos! Until then, enjoy!
Oh, and do something nice for somebody this week!
Oh, and have a Loggy Week!*
This episode of the Arts and Cultures Discovery Magazine is APPROVED by the LOGMAN INDUSTRIES APPROVAL COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAS, Intl, Ltd, LLC.
*Still legally obligated.